Enable your Church

If the London 2012 Paralympics changed the way we think about disability – what difference has it made to our churches? Come to the Enabling Church conferences, for exploration of a biblical perspective on disability and practical discussions about making your church’s ministry and mission more accessible to disabled people. Each event will be a full day packed with insights and ideas, talks and dialogue.
The first event will be the North-East conference, held on Saturday 22 June at Bethany Christian Centre, Hetton Road, Houghton Le Spring, Tyne and Wear, DH5 8PF.
Following that, there'll be the Bristol Event, on Saturday 6 July at Westbury-on-Trym Baptist Church, Reedley Road, Bristol, Avon BS9 3TD.
There'll be a great line-up of speakers, and excellent venues. Each day will be just £15 a ticket.
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We've moved!

Thank you for your patience when office communications were down due to our recent move.
We're now close to being unpacked, and gradually starting to learn where everything's stored.
Our contact details (phone number, email and PO Box address) all remain the same - we look forward to hearing from you!
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belated june blog post
Since I last wrote, I have been busy. I have attended the first regional network meeting in Bath. it was a privilege to see so many people with different skills and interest in disabilities.
I also attended the national churches trust conference in Birmingham. I felt a bit out of my depth, as everyone seemed to be someone important, and all the talk was of buildings and their heritage. when
I stood up to do my joint slot on accessibility, I felt like a bit of a fraud. I took a deep breath and prayed. throughout the conference, access had been touched upon. However I tried to express to the delegates that though it is important to have accessible buildings, we
should be inclusive in our attitudes to people. I have recently heard one woman's sad tale of not being able to go to church since an accident put her in a wheelchair. I explained this is sad and not what
we want to see. throughout the talk, God was laying on my heart that I should stress the importance of attitudes. I gave them tips on what do if a disabled person walks in unannounced to a sunday morning service. I explained to them my own church experience of being totally included in worship and church life. the talk seemed to be well received, and I hope this will lead to new contacts for Through the Roof, as well as
new people being included in churches around the country.
I have visited some places in the last month which I have been to before. obviously when I have already given my testimony, my experiences, told them all about the biblical basis and Through the Roof, its not wise to rehash the same talk again. I like to do something different on these occasions. I had happened to be looking through my phone a few weeks ago, on an app called Christian. This is bible verses chosen by themes. I clicked on the one on anxiety. psalm 46 verse 1 appeared. "God is our refuge, a very present help in trouble" it reminded me, that in this last year, we have all seen many changes. this is both in our own lives and in TTR itself. God is the one who never changes, and will be the same forever. He is the one we can run to at any time, under any circumstance. he will always be there and will never go away. so after updating people on the progress of TTR during the time since i'd last been to see them, I then read Psalm 46 and spoke briefly about God being our refuge, and being still to appreciate that he is God in all the hustle and bustle of life.
Please get in touch if you would like more information on my talks or to speak to a group.