Moldova – our next Integr8 team, September 2013

A team of volunteers is to be put together for a trip to take place from 23rd to 30th September 2013. Following the Integr8 team visit to Moldova in February 2012, charity Breadline has again invited us to work alongside and encourage their partners in a desperately poor rural area. Our activities will be to develop the initiatives of the local churches and other agencies.
Training sessions and workshops will be part of the programme as will some community-based work for the therapists. Local social workers struggle to provide sufficient help to elderly and disabled people, and would be greatly helped through more interaction with other groups including the churches.
Community based solutions are being devised and we want to support those through appropriate inputs, whether in the form of training and educational resources, information on reaching local solutions, or the provision of wheelchairs and mobility aids. At the forefront of thinking is the equipping of local people to be effective agents and advocates for disability.
Email Reninca Hill for further details