Nyeri Blog -- Day 1 - 15/11/12

Glenda from our Wheels for the World team is writing a blog from Nyeri. The team will be there running a distribution up until returning to the UK on the 24th November. Here's the first entry...
We arrived in Nyeri about 12.00 - all feeling slightly fuzzy headed through lack of sleep. We had lunch at the hotel and then were collected to go to the Hospice. The two Nigels went off to buy foam for cushions and padding the wheelchairs.
There are tents covering the wheelchairs all laid out in readiness for our distribution. We were not expecting to see clients today but about 14 had been invited. Ten people came - we were only seeing registered clients. However one young lady Irene came carrying Pauline, her ten year old very severely disabled sister. Their parents had both died and Irene was looking after her. Pauline was in a body splint and hand splints, she was very wheezy and 'cannot see' and just felt skin and bones. Sue fitted her in one of our ITO pushchairs - Irene was really pleased and Pauline looked settled in her specially adjusted pushchair.
We have a great team enhanced by Pastor Davis Gatua from Elburgon joining us to pray with the clients after they have received their wheelchairs.
Everyone else has gone off to bed and I am sat on the terrace writing this - need to go and catch up on my beauty sleep - probably not possible!
Please keep remembering us in prayer.
(The photo is from a previous trip to Kenya -- we'll have pictures from this distribution once the team return).
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