Overseas Mission Opportunities

We have a number of voluntary short-term overseas mission opportunities – for both our Wheels for the World and Integr8 programmes.
Countries visited vary from year to year but may include Guatemala, Uganda, Kenya, Moldova. If you're interested in any of the following vacancies, please do contact us.
Trainer (Integr8)
Requires someone with a working knowledge of appropriate activities for young disabled people e.g. in a school setting, and a positive attitude towards their capabilities and potential. The role involves communicating ideas, methods and encouragement regarding the inclusion of disabled children in church and community life to large and small audiences, to convey the values of inclusion. Must be a flexible, team player, with strong Christian faith, sensitive to serving the needs of others.
Speaker/Teacher (Wheels for the World)
Requires knowledge of biblical issues regarding disability and practical knowledge of disability/church related issues. Will teach about disability awareness, developing ministry and services for and with people with disabilities to various audiences, small groups and one-on-one. Must be flexible and sensitive to meeting needs of encouragement and education as identified by national contacts.
Young disabled role model
Requires young adult (16+) with a Christian faith, who is able to communicate their personal experience of disability to various audiences e.g. church congregations, teachers, families. Must have positive attitude, be flexible and a team player. Ideally, should be able to lead others in an activity of own choice e.g. craft/sports/drama/music...
Buddy to young disabled role model
Requires Christian (16+) with mature attitude and (ideally) experience of disability, sensitive to serving the needs of others, to support young disabled role model .
Bible Teacher/Pastor
Requires knowledge of the Bible to communicate God’s heart for disabled people to various audiences e.g. teachers, pastors, community leaders and families in large and small group settings.
Adult with personal experience of disability
Requires Christians with experience of disability as parents, siblings or relatives who can communicate their experience to various audiences.
Wheelchair seating
Requires experience of identifying needs and fitting suitable wheelchairs and ability to demonstrate the proper handling of a wheelchair, pressure control, transfers etc for recipient and family members.
Mechanic ("Techie")
Requires mechanical skills and ability to work closely with seating specialists and to customise wheelchairs if necessary.
Administrator (Wheels for the World)
Requires a detail-oriented, good communicator to handle all of the paperwork associated with the distribution, including keeping track of team finances and performing administrative support role for the Team Leader.
Requires someone to make a comprehensive photo record of the wheelchair distribution, each of the recipients who receive a chair and ideally also a video record of the trip.