Kimilili wheelchair distribution

As our volunteers prepare to return to the UK, over 100 disabled people in Kimilili, Kenya, are enjoying their new-found mobility after receiving wheelchairs from our Wheels for the World programme.
This has been our 4th trip to Kimilili working with in-country partners IcFEM. 1158 wheelchairs (which would have been destined for landfill in the UK) are now being put to good use by their new owners.
After wheelchair transportation delays put the whole trip in jeopardy, we were delighted that everything came together in time to make this a really successful distribution. Regular team members were especially pleased to see Moses, a disabled man who had received his wheelchair on our very first visit in 2005.
The only negative aspect of the trip was that we ran out of children's wheelchairs and the team were very upset to have to turn away disabled children. We have suppliers of unwanted adult wheelchairs (though we'd be happy to have other offers!) but we'd be particularly glad to hear from anybody who can help provide much-needed children's wheelchairs - please do contact us if you can help.