Extra Audio from the Enabling Church Conference

Here's some extra MP3 files from different seminars at the 'Enabling Church' conference. To download them, right-click (or ctrl-click on a Mac) and select 'save'.
Jon Clark Mental Health Seminar
Bishop Michael Langridge and Esther Langridge
Nick Cook Nurturing an inclusive congergation
Laurence Banks Deaf in God's Image
Gordon Temple Onset of disabilty
From Jacky Oliver, CEO

As I celebrate my 66 birthday in January I have decided it would be a good time for me to say goodbye to my role as Chief Executive of Through the Roof. I have been working with the charity since 2002 and have felt privileged to work with a fantastic team of people, all committed to working alongside disabled people as they reach their full potential in every sphere of life.
There has been laughter and tears. We have seen God’s hand move in many miraculous ways guiding the work and I step aside from the leadership role knowing that the charity is in a very healthy position. I am delighted to announce that our Development Manager Tim Wood is taking on the role of Chief Executive from February. I have every confidence in his heart for God and his vision to take Through the Roof forward.
The Board has requested that I be retained as a non-executive director in a part-time capacity to provide some mentoring for Tim, so I will still be involved on the sideline for a period of time. I believe this will be a new exciting phase for the charity with a younger leadership to move forward to the future God-given direction.
Big Band Fundraiser for Wheels - All Welcome!

Through the Roof is pleased to learn that Stardust Big Band will be holding a Charity Tea Concert in aid of Wheels for the World at Ruislip Manor Methodist Church, Torrington Rd, Ruislip Manor, HA4 0AS on Saturday, 29th January 2011 from 5pm-8pm.
Tickets at £3 each will be available from 1st Jan from 01895 633644. A sandwich and cake tea will accompany some excellent live music from this local band. Band Secretary, Eileen Runkel says:
"It has been my wish to raise money for this worthy cause since seeing one of their DVD clips at my own church (Ruislip Baptist Church) a year or two ago."
The band plays at semi-pro standard, from a huge and varied repertoire from early swing to easy listening and modern big band. Over the years, under various titles, they have raised more than £150k for charities both local and national. They also perform at private functions, all income going into band funds to subsidise the charity work.
Further details of the band may be found on their website www.stardustbigband.co.uk