Nyeri, Kenya 2010 - Day 5

Wheels team member Phil Green continues to blog despite lack of sleep!
Day 5 (well an addendum to day 4 also.)
Day 5 didn't start so well for me as a plumbing issue meant I was up till about 1am trying to fix a leaking toilet. With no one around and Roy asleep I did what I could with the only tools I had available. Duct tape and my hands!
I temporally sorted the issue then tried to sleep only to be woken by Roy who had woken up on day 5 and tried to fix the issue. In the end I managed to find the stopcock outside the building and stemmed the flow of water and the management of the guest house have managed to get it sorted I can report. I'll tell you something though - Chris and Pam have a nicer shower than Roy and I... They were kind enough to let me use it whilst ours was out of action.
Day 5 was a busy day though. It's hard work trying to remember what you have worked on but there were lots of children today. Lots of modifications to chairs and buggies. Roy worked his magic with some foam and also some chipboard we got to help some children who had cerebral palsy. ( I think that's how it's spelt - I'm ok with a screwdriver but spelling was never my strong point )
I remember cutting down a crutch for a gent who spent his life on his knees. I remember shortening some crutches in a similar way in Ghana last year so the experience paid off.
Brian did a great job fitting a makeshift headrest to a children's pushchair. He broke a few drill bits I believe and got a little frustrated with it but his persistence paid off. One of the things about wheels trips that I learned very quickly is that persistence usually pays off and if one way doesn't work then trying something else will usually get the job done in the end.
The OTs as always did a fantastic job and were often doing fittings for two people at once as we helped modify some of the chairs.
I didn't see much of Pam today but I am sure as always she was being a great blessing by ministering to those who got their chairs.
A late finish today at around 6:15 or so we headed back in the pouring rain. ( when it rains here it rains hard !)
I missed Glenda though - having her around is somewhat reassuring for me... Not sure why ( hope she doesn't read that bit!) but it will be nice to have her back tomorrow hopefully.
I had to hold back the tears today several times.. ( for those who know me I may look tough on the outside and I can be a little sarcastic with my dry sense of humour ) but seeing some of the children really just made me want to cry. I feel so fortunate yet I sort of feel helpless. Ok I can help fix their chairs but i feel like i want to do more. I'm glad God's in control since I'm certainly not... I must pray for them - something that I'll admit I am not great at.
For those reading this who haven't been on a trip if your heart isn't softened by some of the things you see you must be a rock. I remember last year my best friend suggested I go away again as it seemed to make me more humble.
Please pray for the team as I don't think I am alone with these feelings and it does take a lot out of you emotionally.
Anyway. Time for dinner now.
Then for me I'll try and get an early night as I need to catch up on some sleep.