Nyeri, Kenya 2010 - Day 2

By Nyeri Wheels Team member Phil Green:
The day started about 8 this morning for breakfast... Well for most - I took my time and sneaked in for breakfast at 8:30.
We were at the hospice for about 9 o'clock ready for our first recipients who were already queued up. For the techies in the team it initially feels like you're stood around doing not much but that only lasts a short time till the OT's (occupational therapists) bring their first challenges.
Some may be simple requests, fitting a lap belt or adjusting the foot rests but usually things don't stay simple. I did notice Brian and Roy working on quite a lot of push chairs or children's wheel chairs. They both did a great job and some of the tools Brian brought came in really handy.
I helped with a few interesting jobs, my most memorable was repairing a prosthetic leg. It was a little surreal walking into our work area with a leg in the middle of it without its owner. The rivets we had came in handy fixing this one and it was reunited with its grateful owner.
Glenda and I also worked on modifying a chair to fit a young man whose knees were bent up into a position actually behind his back. I am always amazed/shocked and saddened by some of the deformities I see.
Its even harder when you have time to reflect on what you have seen and really quite humbling when you realise how lucky you are not to be in the same position. I felt really privileged and grateful to God to be in a position to do something to help. We managed to modify the chair by making a padded backboard to offer the right support.
At about 6 o'clock as dusk fell we finished off and headed back to the guest house.
Another good meal and then time together as a team to reflect on the day and share experiences. We are all really thankful for your prayers and support - we are also praying for our friends and family whilst we are here.
As I write this before I go to sleep I'm reminded again about how good God is to us and thankful for the things he provides. Pam also shared that the faces of those who she ministered to today would light up with joy at the sound of Gods name.... Certainly gave me food for thought.
So time for bed now..
Earlier start tomorrow means breakfast at 7:30... Or maybe 8 for me.