Summer Fun!

Delicious home baked scones and cakes were enjoyed at the Ashtead Wheels for the World Summer Garden Party this year, raising £521.50 for 'Wheels' distributions. The marquee was buzzing with conversation as tea was served by the faithful team of helpers. Raffle prizes were drawn, giving the winners days out to look forward to over the summer to various Surrey attractions.
Karen Goodridge, Ashtead Churches Representative
Sheep in Stoneleigh
By Paula Smith
On Saturday 25th September approx 40 people gathered for afternoon at Stoneleigh DCF. Our time together focussed on the parable of the lost sheep & its message that each one is important to God & loved by Him. Jesus is our shepherd & wants us to stay close to Him.
Each guest was given the opportunity to decorate a coaster with pictures reminding them of the story. We also had a quiz & watched the adventures of ‘Shaun the sheep’ before being led in prayer by a profoundly disabled young lady with a simple yet genuine faith in Jesus as her shepherd. A good time was had by all! We meet for our Christmas tea together on Saturday 4 December.
Does your group have any stories to share? Please get in touch.
Live From Lausanne
Radio 4's Sunday Worship on 17 October (after the 8am news) will come from All Souls, Langham Place and from Cape Town, to mark the opening of the Lausanne Congress - do let your families, friends and churches know.
Learn more about the Capetown 2010 conference, and the role that our CEO, Jacky Oliver, will be playing by visiting this news post about Capetown 2010.
Church can set the standard

Over 400 delegates at the ‘Enabling Church’ conference heard Roy McCloughry, Malcolm Duncan, Joni Eareckson-Tada and other keynote speakers encourage the church to set the standard through ministering to the marginalised.
A common theme of the day was the celebration that we are all inter-dependent with each other. Church and society is stronger when disabled people and non-disabled people contribute their gifts together. This was demonstrated by many presenters speaking from personal experience of disability.
Through the Roof joined other disability ministries as part of the Churches for All network, along with Premier Christian Radio, to organise the one-day conference. One delegate commented, “It was probably the most positive and affirming event I've ever been to in my life”, and another said, “It really fired me up to do more in my church”.
Content from the event will soon be available from in audio and text format and a forum on disability theology is being initiated. Contact us for further details