Richard Hubbard

We were sad to learn of the recent death of Richard Hubbard, one of our Board of Reference members.
David Thatcher, Senior Leader at Arun Community Church writes:
Rich left us on Wednesday afternoon 25 August to take up residence in the house that Jesus has been preparing for him in heaven.
He has been part of this Church for 36 years having first come along when he was 15. A highly respected Elder for 16 years, CEO of Links International, whose ministry and influence has been global, we will miss him enormously. We thank God for him, his life and example, and all he achieved.
All at Through the Roof join with the church in sending our prayers and sympathy to Richard's wife, children and wider family.
Details of the Service of Thanksgiving may be found on the Arun Community Church website
Putting Down Roots

The Tegemeose self-help group in Nakura ran a big event in July to beautify their town and show that as disabled people they can contribute positively to their town. This event was a tree-planting exercise where they planted trees around the town and dedicated each one to a person or organisation that had helped them.
The group leader, Richard Kibbet, wrote to our CEO Jacky Oliver, to say...
"The group feels inspired and hopeful because of your encouraging words. We were able to commemorate Sylvia Parrot’s (Work Aid) UK retirement day on 27/7/2010 by planting trees in our town. She introduced us to your charity.
A tree was also planted in your honour and for Through the Roof. We plan to continue with our sensitisation and advocacy programmes for the disabled persons through activities geared towards their recognition as vulnerable members of society."
The photo above shows two members of the group with the recently-planted tree and the plaque in honour of Jacky.
Uganda 2010

In June, Through the Roof's Wheels for the World programme made its first wheelchair distribution trip to Uganda.
Working in partnership with RILD (Response Initiative for Learning Disabilities), over 100 wheelchairs were individually fitted and 183 bibles given out, along with other mobility aids and hand-crafted blankets.
The team felt this trip to be special in so many ways, not least because the airline strike resulted in them being able to see disabled people who otherwise would have missed out.
One team member described their 'special moment':
"I find it immensely humbling and moving to see the change in people that had been arriving walking on their knees, or being carried... When leaving (in their wheelchairs) the people are sitting at eye level, and you can almost see a visible change in their outlook on life, and also in the way that they are perceived by others. One in particular that sticks in my mind is an older brother who was eventually given a wheelchair, and was joined at the assessment by his mother and younger sister. When seated, it was the first time for years that his sister had naturally communicated with him at eye level, and this seemed to have a noticeable impact on the way that he was regarded by the sister and no doubt by many others."
Connect Weekend

King’s Church Hall, Epsom
September 3rd – 7.30pm & September 4th – 10.30am to 4pm
The DCF Connect Weekend is an opportunity for friends old and new of DCF to come together and learn more about the fellowship. We’ll be looking at all the various programmes we run, chatting about how people can get involved helping on the holidays, and growing together through worship and sharing. There’ll also be fundraising events on the Friday evening, including a silent auction. The event will cost £10, to cover the cost of a buffet lunch on Saturday. If you’re interested in finding out more and receiving a flyer, please contact Jenny at the office on 01372 737046.
Enabling Church - 7th October 2010

Disability, Wholeness and Christian Theology
Through the Roof will be taking part in a brand new conference in London on the 7th October. 'Enabling Church' will feature a range of speakers - including Rev John Naude and Mike Townsend (both part of TTR's board), Jonathan Lamb, Joni Eareckson Tada (via video), Malcolm Duncan and Roy McCloughry - and promises to broaden and deepen your thinking about disability and the engagement of disabled people with church life, equipping you to make a difference in your own church situation. Standard booking tickets cost £25 and are available by following this link to Premier's website or calling Premier Response on 08456 525252.
Follow this link to download a PDF flyer for the event containing further information and booking form
Follow this link to download event information and booking form in text format