Amazing Grace

Members of the Friends of Jesus group, Holy Trinity Church Redhill, have not allowed their own learning disabilities to prevent them from helping other disabled people. The group spent several months planning their 'Amazing Grace' fundraising evening which was held in June to raise money for TTR's Wheels for the World programme. The evening included drama and music and was also attended by Wheels team member, Eileen Sutherland.
Including Gift Aid reclaimed from donations, Friends of Jesus will have raised the brilliant total of £4019 to benefit our overseas work. Members from the group commented on how much they enjoyed their special event, and members of the team say that it was a joy to be involved - they were particularly encouraged by the willingness of numerous people to give their help and support. One team member commented that whilst being hard work at times, the event as a whole had been a real blessing.
If your church group would like to raise money for Wheels for the World or any of Through the Roof's other programmes we'd love to hear from you! Email