London to Brighton for Wheels

Meike Currie has been involved with Wheels for the World for many years. Since 2000, she's been to Albania, South Africa and many times to Kenya, working fitting chairs and seeing the lives of individuals and whole families changed through a wheelchair, the offer of a Bible and the love of God through actions.
She took part in the sponsored London to Brighton Bike Ride on the 20th June with a team of fellow medics from King's College Hospital, raising over £1000 for Wheels for the World. You can find out more, and read Meike's report by following this link to reach Meike's Just Giving page.
Thank you to all of you lovely people who have given so generously to Through the Roof by supporting me on my London to Brighton Bike Ride. We had a great day with ideal weather. IN between the cycling there was a lot of queuing involved on the day even trying to get past the official starting line, then at the usual bottle neck areas but unfortunately also when accidents had to be dealt with by the medics. Our little group was kept safe from any nasty incidents and it was lovely to take in the beautiful English countryside along the way.