Wheels for the World at Village Day 2010

Thanks to all our faithful ‘Wheels’ supporters at Ashtead Village Day, over £1,300 was raised this year for the wheelchair distribution trips in 2011. We hope to run three trips with countries under consideration being Ghana, Ethiopia, Haiti, Kenya and Uganda. As well as finding buried treasure, entering our fantastic raffle with prizes donated from Ashtead traders and spinning to win a soft toy, each car owner in the classic car display kindly donated their entrance fees to ‘Wheels’. This was arranged again this year by Rob Rennie and Alaisdair Wallace who themselves drive rather elegant looking cars!
A wheelchair distribution team are in Uganda as I write. This will be the first time in Uganda, partnering with Non Government Organisation RILD (Response Initiative for Learning Disabilities). Please see our Wheels for the World pages for more information about this and other wheelchair distributions.
If you would like to be more involved in the work of Wheels for the World, whether through praying, fundraising, or offering your skills to be part of a distribution team as a physio or occcupational therapist, technician or administrator, please contact 01372 749955 or email us by following this link.
Our next Ashtead fundraising event will be the Summer Garden Party on Friday 13th August at 15 Paddocks Way, Ashtead between 2pm and 4pm. Tickets available in advance for £5 from Karen: follow this link to email her.