Chris Grayling MP Gives a Helpful Push to Wheels for Haiti

Chris Grayling, MP and Shadow Home Secretary (at the time of writing), recently helped Christian disability charity Through the Roof launch an appeal for wheelchairs for Haiti. Speaking at an event supported by the Horton Golf Club in Epsom, Surrey on the 26th March, he encouraged attendees to support the work in Haiti. The charity is aiming to raise £25,000 to take chairs, physiotherapists and technicians to Haiti and meet desperate long-term needs.
The Haiti earthquake of 12th January shocked us all and captured headlines. Groups in the country say it will take years for life to return to normal, but as reconstruction begins and stories fade from the headlines, the need continues. Over 300,000 people were injured in the quake, and there is a huge requirement for wheelchairs and therapists. With over ten years of expertise, Through the Roof is well equipped to respond. They collect used wheelchairs, have them refurbished by UK prisoners to the high standard needed for rough terrain and distribute them in developing countries.
A wheelchair can change lives and bring independence to whole families. Wheelchairs are given according to need regardless of the recipient’s faith, and each recipient is offered a bible in their own language. Team members speak in churches and community halls, spreading the message of including disabled people.
Chris Grayling said, “Wheels for the World is hugely valued by many disabled people in countries that have so little”. The event raised £2000 towards work in Haiti – specific giving that will provide a specific resource for a specific need.