Faithworks and other conferences!

Through the Roof were exhibitors at the
2010 Faithworks conference where we met lots of new people who had not previously heard of our work. We were particularly promoting our new website and the free resources for churches.
Next we'll be at
Mind and Soul ‘The Beautiful Mind’ conference - Holy Trinity Brompton, London SW7 1JA on Friday 26th March. More details and booking information from Mind and Soul (Please note, booking is online only, and the event is almost fully booked).
After that, we're at
Christian Resources Exhibition, 11th – 14th May at Sandown Park, Esher, as part of a new ‘Churches for All’ disability zone. We will be situated in a different area to usual, to the left of the main entrance, on stand T12, sharing the area with other disability ministries and providing new resources, interactive seminars and presentations.
7th October 2010 is a date for Ministers, church leaders and Youth Pastors to put in the diary. Through the Roof and Churches for All partners are planning a disability conference in Central London. Look out for further information soon.