Day One
Breakfast of scrambled eggs then leave at 8.00am for 45 minute drive to America Latina school. During the journey I found a caterpillar on the front seat, and rather than throw him out of the window I held on to him before arriving at the school and putting him on a leaf. The caterpillar is a useful analogy of what we are doing here – every single disabled child is like a caterpillar, which, with the right support and encouragement can eventually be transformed into a beautiful butterfly. Delivered training to 90+ student teachers. It went really well and the team gelled together. Philippa was inspiring, sharing her personal experience of being blind from birth and one highlight was doing an inclusive dance which involved everyone. The students gave good feedback and were very receptive, particularly 10 or so who ‘got’ the inclusive message and we know will be great advocates for disabled children in their classroom so a really good start. Lunch of chicken tortillas.
On plane now + all going smoothly. Boarded first because Phillipa needs more time. Planned tomorrow’s training session at the airport. Looking forward to what God has planned.
Arrived safely Thursday night and met by Kenny and Carol of America Latina. Stayed at nice Christian B&B.
Take Off!!!

24 hours until take-off! I’m not quite packed yet but at least I have managed to assemble all my stuff in a pile next to my case!
Getting excited but apprehensive about the trip. I received an e-mail from one of our partners to say she has got our training ‘approved’ by the local area Education department, whose Director is really excited and wants every teacher to attend our training on this subject because it doesn’t exist there! We could be inundated, but what a great opportunity to positively influence teachers from a Christian perspective!