Wheels in Kosovo - Days 3 & 4

Wheels in Kosovo - Days 3 & 4
Our Wheels for the World team are working in Kosovo during June - you can catch up on all their updates by following this link. The team seem to have settled into a morning routine in the house and shower... read more »

Live from Kosovo
We have a Wheels for the World team distributing wheelchairs and other mobility aids to people in Kosovo from the 10th to 20th June. They've arrived safely after an early start and a long journey, and begun working with people in Gjakova. There are... read more »

Wheels in Kimilili, the final day
We're very grateful to volunteer, Charlotte, for her inspirational blogs from our wheelchair distribution in Kenya. Here's the final one... We stayed in a lovely little guesthouse overnight and returned to the Eldoret centre on Friday morning for our final distribution. There were nine more clients... read more »

Wheels in Kimilili - Day 2
Blogger, Charlotte, describes the team's journey to Kisumu and arrival with our partners at IcFEm... You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this link. Our journey continued at 6.30am this morning when we left African Inland Mission... read more »

Join a wheelchair distribution!
2013 wheelchair distributions will be taking place to Uganda (Kampala and outlying areas, in April), Kenya (Elburgon, in July) and Ghana (Ho in the Volta region, in November). The teams are nearly full, but there are still a handful of vacancies. If you'd like to... read more »

Nyeri news - Monday 19th November
Wheels Coordinator Glenda has emailed to say all is well over in Nyeri, Kenya - they have blue sky and the birds are chirping... There have also been tales of the 'interesting' Kenyan plumbing, resulting in Glenda having slightly more of a shower... read more »

Nyeri Blog - Day 3 - Sunday 18th November
Nigel Drury (our new International Missions Manager) reports from his first Wheels trip - our wheelchair distribution in Nyeri, Kenya... Sunday's church service for the team was a God-directed choice I believe. The team, including Pastor Davis Gatua (from Elburgon, another town in Kenya), walked... read more »

Overseas Mission Opportunities
We have a number of voluntary short-term overseas mission opportunities – for both our Wheels for the World and Integr8 programmes. read more »

Kimilili wheelchair distribution
As our volunteers prepare to return to the UK, over 100 disabled people in Kimilili, Kenya, are enjoying their new-found mobility after receiving wheelchairs from our Wheels for the World programme. This has been our 4th trip to Kimilili working with in-country partners... read more »
News from Kenya
Wheels for the World volunteers arrived safely in Kimilili, Kenya at the end of last week and have already changed the lives of 52 disabled people, by giving them the gift of a properly fitted wheelchair or other mobility aid. Our partners in Kenya, read more »