St. Peter’s RC Church (Hazel Grove) / St. Philip's (Offerton)

St. Peter’s RC Church (Hazel Grove) / St. Philip's (Offerton)

St.Peters is a large parish with 4 weekend masses that cater to different groups overall.

Satirday 1200: no music and a quieter mass generally.
1800 mass at St.Philip’s in Offerton.

Sunday: 0830- for the early birds! Organ music and hymns
1000-Family Mass. Music. Choir. Very busy service.  We offer a separate children’s service called Toast in the adjoining parish centre. It is very well attended. Toast is very disability aware and inclusion is of paramount importance.  Refreshments are offered after this mass.
1800: Youth mass. Music.
In addition, we have quarterly masses that aim to be very accessible for individuals and families who may have difficulties accessing other services.

Lambs Group: This is a social group held every month for adults with additional needs or disabilities, and their carers. For more information email:
Or click this link to access the Lambs website:

For further information on how accessible our church is please see our ‘Access Statement’  on the main page of the parish website.

We also have a Disability Inclusion Group which aims to develop our accessibility and inclusion of all people with disabilities. For further information about the work of this group please email:

Disability contact: Anna Magner


St Chad's

St Chad’s is a welcoming, inclusive church with modern style worship and a live music group.
St Chad’s is actively involved in the local community. It holds a community café two mornings a week, children’s and young groups during Sunday services and during some evenings and holidays. We also help run a parish bereavement café.

Disability Contact: Alison Price


St John's church Failsworth

We are developing a fully accessible community space within our church which should be fully completed by May 2025, along with new toilets, one accessible.
We still need ramps into the church but are working with Oldham Council to make a gentle and safe wheelchair friendly gradient.  We have large print hymn books and service sheets available at all services and use a loop system.  We are hoping to establish a Singing for the Brain Choir and regular socials to encourage well-being and inclusion.  We are on a journey with the wider community and Roofbreakers to make St John's  as welcoming, inclusive and accessible as possible.

Disability Contacts: Mrs Mary Still and Rev Aysha


Holy Trinity

Parish of Berkswich, Diocese of Lichfield

Disability contact: Louise Jones


Christ Church Cambridge

We are a friendly Anglican church in the heart of Cambridge, focused on the good news of Jesus revealed in the Bible. As a diverse church family of different ages, stages, backgrounds and nationalities we are seeking to help one another to grow in Christ, love his people and share our hope.

Contact: Dawn Henry


Trinity Methodist Church, Codsall

Methodist Church with a passion for the community.  A wide variety of onsite activities for all ages throughout the week.
Online and In-person worship on a Sunday.

Disability contact: Joanna Fearnley


Oasis Church Birmingham

Oasis is about two things: loving God, and loving people. We believe that Jesus is enough, and that he changes everything. The invitation is for each and every person to receive those truths and allow them to shape us. All are welcome.

Disability contact: Charlie Pearce


WAVE Church

WAVE Church is a church that meets monthly starting in April 2025 on the first Sunday each month at 4pm. All are welcome to worship together. There is a monthly Children's church called WAVE Kids on the third Sunday at 4pm starting in May 2025. We run Growing Hope courses for parents and siblings of those with additional needs. We will be starting a WAVE Cafe and other activities for young adults with learning disabilities to socialise and volunteer with others. WATCH THIS SPACE!

Contact: Mr Bob Hamilton


St Vincent's Church

Roman Catholic Church

Catherine Livingston
Katharine Ryan-Murray


St Peter's Church of England

We're ordinary people who worship an extraordinary God. We have a relaxed and friendly service, we have a lively mix of styles with hymns and modern songs and a children's ministry during the service. In all our services we aim to worship God, learn from the Bible and meet with Jesus.
Whilst the vicar is a wheelchair user, we are fully aware of the needs of people with a whole range of 'hidden' disabilities, and those who are not neurotypical. You can be guaranteed a warm welcome and we are willing to learn from you in how best to enable you to fully participate into the life of the church.

Disability Contact: Rev John Naudé
