Wheels in Kimilili - Day 5 - Sunday, the day of rest...!


  Wheels in Kimilili – Day 5 – Sunday, the day of rest…!

Wheels in Kimilili - Day 5 - Sunday, the day of rest...!

New Wheels team member, and excellent blogger, Charlotte continues to describe her experiences of Wheels for the World in Kimilili, Kenya. You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this link. Today we split into... read more »

  Wheels in Kimilili – Day 4

Wheels in Kimilili - Day 4

You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this link. Today we distributed for a second day in Maketa, Kimaeti.  We were situated in a beautiful school field, surrounded by butterflies and little baby chicks.  When we arrived,... read more »

  Wheels in Kimilili – the first distribution day

Wheels in Kimilili - the first distribution day

You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this link. Our first distribution day went really well, praise God.  We provided wheelchairs and mobility aids to approximately 50 people in and around Kimaeti. I loved seeing how happy the... read more »

  Wheels in Kimilili – Day 2

Wheels in Kimilili - Day 2

Blogger, Charlotte, describes the team's journey to Kisumu and arrival with our partners at IcFEm... You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this link. Our journey continued at 6.30am this morning when we left African Inland Mission... read more »

  Wheels to Kimilili – Day 1

Wheels to Kimilili - Day 1

Wheels for the World is running a distribution in Kimilili, Kenya for ten days. Our team on the ground will be blogging as often as technology and time allows! Today, Charlotte Smith tells us all about the journey, initial plans, and some prayer pointers... read more »

  International Missions in 2014

International Missions in 2014

Wheels for the World and Integr8 will be undertaking several mission trips this year. Please get in touch with Reninca at Through the Roof to find out more. 2 - 12 April -... read more »

  Ghana 2013 – the long trip home…

Ghana 2013 - the long trip home...

Day 11/2 A belated blog entry… as it was a long trip home. We headed off on Saturday down to Accra via the Akosombo dam.  The dam was a little sight-seeing tour and it's this dam that produces 60% of Ghana’s electricity.  Being educated as... read more »

  Ghana 2013 – the final two days

Ghana 2013 - the final two days

In these last two blogs, volunteer Phil talks about the highs and lows of the trip... Day 9 We started the day praying for God’s support as we knew we only had a few chairs and mobility aids left and we weren't sure how many would... read more »

  Ghana 2013 – Day 8

Ghana 2013 - Day 8

Our Wheels for the World team are in Ghana for an eleven-day series of Wheelchair distributions. Team member, Phil Green, is writing a regular blog to let us know how it all goes. Here's his account of day eight of the trip. Catch up... read more »

  Ghana Blog – Day 7

Ghana Blog - Day 7

Phil Green is on the ground in Ghana for the Wheels for the World distribution - he's bringing us a daily blog from the trip. Catch up on all the entries by following this link... read more »